23 Mar

"Relax! It's just an exam. "

You've probably been exposed to such information from family and friends. A lot of people have different opinions regarding IELTS preparation tips.It could play a crucial impact on your future. You wouldn't want to be a risk with your prospects after hearing the things mentioned. Right?In the case of the Speaking Test of IELTS applicants are encouraged to slow down to take this test. However, keep in mind that there's nothing to be worried about when you've done the right preparation.IELTS Speaking strategy is the most important factor to success. It can help you tackle this section with no worry.Everything occurs at the spur of the moment. You must be able to react quickly and your initial response should be your most effective effort. This is why preparation is crucial.

Proven Tips for IELTS Speaking Preparation

  • Be Aware of the Timing and Scoring

  • Fluency vs Vocabulary
  • Don't Speak Prepared Answers
  • Avoid Speaking in Monotone
  • Don't Panic When You Make Mistakes

1. Be Aware of the Timing and Scoring

Part 1: Introduction PartThe test usually lasts approximately four to five minutes. The test taker will ask you a few general questions about your interests, life and much more. Therefore, be clear in your answers. Make sure you are concise and complete with the questions.For instance, an person who is assessing you might ask "Do you think reading a magazine can help you learn a language?". "Yes! It helps develop one's communication skills and also their vocabulary."Tips

  • This part can be used to build confidence and fluency.
  • Provide answers, but don't discuss all day long.
  • Be specific and only talk about the question you are asked.

Part 2: Speak On a Topic Given in The Cue CardIn the second part of the speaking exam In Part 2 of the Speaking exam, you will receive the cue card that has an issue. You'll have one minute to create a couple of sentences on the topic, and 2 minutes to present about the topic. This can be a challenge for a lot of IELTS students. So, proper preparation is vital for this exam.Common subjects to consider for Cue Card:

  • A commercial you'll always are likely to remember
  • Speak about your favorite singer.
  • A solid law in your country


  • Note down useful information that will can help you talk for a longer periods.
  • Use the cue card to determine the format of your speech.
  • Be sure that your speech is long enough to can last for about 2 minutes.

Part 3: Discussion RoundThe conversation usually lasts about approximately 4-5 minutes. The conversation can be based on any subject. Be authentic and share your personal experiences to appear authentic and unique.Tips

  • Be sure to know the pertinent information on the subject.
  • Be supportive and be sure to extend your answers to make sure you appear confident.
  • Rephrase the question in order to comprehend what the examiner is looking for.

2. Fluency vs Vocabulary

IELTS test takers are always confused in order to maintain the consistency of vocabulary and fluency. Both skills have the same weightage on the scorecard. It is possible to prepare to take your IELTS Speaking exam with extreme determination and practice. It is important to speak fluently in the test, rather than being concerned about whether you have used the most appropriate word.If you can speak clearly, it will leave an impression that is pleasing to the test taker. Find only 2-3 distinctive phrases while speaking.

3. Don't Speak Prepared Answers

Many applicants to the IELTS try to remember the answers, just like many students do in their school or college tests. However, it won't aid you. It's because there are numerous possibilities of having an unrelated subject matter on the card.Speaking can determine your spontaneity as well. It is not recommended to prepare answers. The examiner will be quick to recognize that you're repeating your answer. This could negatively impact your score.

4. Avoid Speaking in Monotone

Make sure you sound natural when speaking to keep the audience interested. Variate your pitch at different points to sound more fluid and intriguing. Monotonous speech may not sound as fluid.

5. Don't Panic When You Make Mistakes

It's okay to stumble when talking. The most frequent mistakes occur when you're speaking too fast or using a word that you haven't intended at random, so don't get worried when such scenarios occur. Try your IELTS Speaking test with a teacher or a friend; it will aid you in improving your performance.If you're eager to fix your error then go ahead. This indicates that you're aware of the words you're using. If you aren't sure what to do to fix your error Do not worry. Move on.

Last Minute IELTS Speaking Strategies

If you're unsure about something, you should be honest and answer, "I'm sorry. But could you please elaborate on what you mean?" instead of offering incorrectly.Try to utilize the most sophisticated words to convey your ideas. Avoid using the same words or phrases in your sentences.Be aware of the grammar that is used for the test. If the person asking you to answer the question asks "how was your experience?" The answer you give should read "It was good" and not "It is good."Use these tips to the course of your IELTS Speaking test. You can enroll yourself in IELTS Speaking classes if you require assistance.If you don't wish to travel or commuting, you could choose online coaching classes to help you prepare better.If you want to, test some of the IELTS Speaking test questions. Get the perfect score on the next exam.

Read: Improve Your IELTS Speaking Score using these tried and tested strategies

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